
The use of the One2Born hatchholder has a positive impact on all parties in the poultry production chain. That’s not just our conviction, but also the result from its practical application by our clients.

All of the numbers and indications below are the results of the One2Born hatchholder, in comparison to the traditional incubation process. The degree of improvement differs per situation and falls within a certain range (all of it still an improvement over the traditional process). The graphs show how often certain results apply, as shown by the colored areas. The arrow in the graph points to the average result.

Decreased feed conversion (in net points)

Because of the early access to feed and water, on top of the improved overall health of and decrease in stress for the chicks, the feed conversion rate is improved considerably.

Increased final weight (in grams)

The One2Born hatchholder leads to a significantly higher weight gain per day and a significantly higher final weight of the chicks in the same growth period.

Decrease in mortality (in percentages)

The mortality during the first week and the total stay in the house is decreased. Among other things this is due to access to early feed.

Increased hatchability (in percentages)

Thanks to the continuation of the natural incubation process and the upright setting of the eggs with the egg point downwards, the hatchability notably improves.

Reduction in use of antiobiotics

More robust chicks with a higher level of resistance to disease leads to a decreased chance of health problems. On top of that there is not chance of cross-contamination during their stay at the hatchery or during transportation.

Improved efficiency

All parties in the production chain experience increased efficiency, including the poultry farmer who generates 5 to 6 eurocents extra per chick in efficiency.

Other results

Improved health leads to improved digestive system, which improves the state of the litter, which leads to a noticably lowered footpad lesions-score.

Significantly less stress hormones in the chicks, and an improvement in natural behavior.

A factor of 3 less enterococci is measurable in the chicks, which is one of the prime causes of feet problems.

A more positive slaughter yield because of the improved health of the chicks.

A more sustainable poultry production chain. The energy consumption of the hatchery decreases, because the traditional incubation process in the hatchery is no longer necessary. The energy consumption of the farmer remains at its current level.

Improved welfare and health of the chicks leads to increased job satisfaction for the poultry farmer.

The One2Born hatchholder is simple to implement into your current process, but has a big impact on the welfare of your chicks, your efficiency and the sustainability of the entire sector.

Order a trial setup today